All of our settings are registered with the Local Authority and children will receive either 15 or 30 hours of Government funding per week. This will begin on the school term following their third birthday, until they begin mainstream school.
30 hours
15 hours
30 hour funding is dependent upon family circumstances. Families can check their eligibility at childcarechoices.gov.uk.
15 hour funding is allocated to every child in the term following their third birthday. Please get in touch to discuss.
Two-year-old's funding is dependent on family circumstance and relevant criteria. You can check eligibility at childcarechoices.gov.uk.
Any funding can be split between two providers, e.g. a pre-school and a childminder, or two pre-schools including two of our settings.
Any sessions which are not eligible for funding have varying rates.
Click on a setting below for more details
To book a visit or find out more information please visit each pre-school page or contact us here